Animal Control

Animal Control specifically enforces the RM of Hanover's Animal Care and Control By-Law. This by-law covers dog and cat complaints, dog kennel inspections/licensing, residential area skunk control, and livestock impoundment for livestock at large complaints. Animal Control enforcement is contracted out to a professional animal care provider. A list of frequently asked questions can be found at the bottom of this page. 

Animal Control Officers can be reached at 204-371-5859 or
(Calls are monitored seven days a week)

To report an "Emergency" Livestock at large complaint in the municipality, please contact the RCMP at 1-204-326-1234 and an animal control Officer will be contacted by the authorities.

If you have any concerns about the welfare of any domestic animals in Manitoba please contact the Provincial Animal Care Line in Winnipeg at 1-204-945-8000 or 1-888-945-8001. The line is monitored seven days a week by the Chief Veterinary Office. All calls are verified and assigned to a Provincial Peace Officer for Enforcement / Inspection, as an "Animal Protection Officer" (APO) for the Province of Manitoba. Members of the RCMP are also considered to be APO'S in the Province of Manitoba.

These agencies investigate complaints regarding neglect and abuse of animals including:

  • lack of adequate food or water
  • exposure to extreme heat or cold
  • lack of suitable medical attention if wounded or ill
  • confinement in an area of insufficient space
  • unsanitary conditions
  • confinement without adequate ventilation
  • insufficient opportunity for exercise
  • suffering, seriously injured or in extreme anxiety or distress

Contact is also encouraged if you suspect a breeding operation or kennel is unlicensed.

Animal Impoundments

Animal impoundment fees and other fines can be viewed in the Animal Care and Control By-Law rate schedule. Fees may vary depending on individual circumstances. 

DescriptionDate of ApprehensionLocation of ApprehensionDate the Animal will be Sold or Disposed of
1 dog:  St. Bernhard female
tattoo, black collar, dragging cable, brown & white
22/03/25Rd. 34E x Rd. 25N25/03/25