Buildings regulated under Part 3 of the Manitoba Building Code (MBC) include all structures in excess of 600 m2, structures in excess of three stories, and assembly occupancies.
- Post disaster buildings
- Major occupancies of Group A, Group B, or Group F1
- Buildings exceeding 600 m2 or more than 3 stories in building height
- Farm buildings exceeding 600 m2
Part 3 of the building code regulates the design and construction of these buildings.
Effective April 1, 2019, the RM of Hanover has been designated the authority to grant building permits for Part 3 structures in Hanover.
The determination of whether a structure falls under Part 3 is at the discretion of the municipality’s Building Inspector. Part 3 structures have more stringent design requirements and require a greater level of input from professional designers like architects and engineers. Part 3 applicants can expect to be asked to provide architectural, electrical and mechanical drawings along with letters of assurance from the engineers and architects associated with the project. Exact documentation requirements will be determined on a project-by-project basis by the Building Inspector.
Part 3 Building Forms:
Please note that RM of Hanover forms must be used. Forms from other jurisdictions will not be accepted even if they bear identical wording.
For more information contact the Permit Administrator at 204-346-7125 or email
- Part 3 Application Form
- Part 3 Energy Code - Letter of Assurance
- Part 3 Letter of Assurance of Professional Design and Commitment for Inspection
- Part 3 Energy Code - Letter of Certification
- Part 3 Plumbing Permit Application Form
- Part 3 Alternative Solutions Form
- Part 3 Letter of Certification for Final Occupancy
- Part 3 Letter of Certification for Interim Occupancy
- Part 3 Letter of Authorization
- Part 3 Occupancy Permit Application