By-Law Enforcement

Please read through the frequently asked questions before contacting the By-Law Officer.

Trevor Schellenberg, Community Safety Officer/By-law Enforcement

Hanover By-Law Officer is available during regular office hours, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

The RM of Hanover enforces the by-laws established by the municipality, its mandate set by Council. By-laws are in place for the benefit and safety of all residents and the RM of Hanover is committed to delivering a fair, firm and friendly approach to enforcement. 

Our By-Law Enforcement Officer works in our communities to ensure the rules of the municipality are followed and often works closely with local police as well as provincial and federal authorities.

By-Law complaints involving the Highway Traffic Act, are enforced by your local RCMP Detachment, as well as other Provincial Acts and Statutes.