Waste & Recycling

Urban Centre Waste & Recycling Collection

Residential garbage and recycling collection services are provided to residents in the following urban centers:

Blumenort - Tuesday
Kleefeld - Tuesday
New Bothwell - Tuesday
Roseville Drive area - Tuesday
Mitchell - Wednesday
Grunthal - Friday
Shady Lane/Green Acres Lane area - Friday

We ask that residents have their bins out by the curb before 7AM (or night before) and leave out until 7PM as the exact pick up time may vary. 

Collection services are provided by private contractors on a fee for service basis, included on annual tax bills. Service fees may be adjusted annually depending on volume for each community.

If you require assistance to get the cart to the road due to health limitations, please contact the RM of Hanover at solidwaste@hanovermb.ca or by phone 204-346-7129 ext 0.

Waste & Recycling collection is for residential properties only and will not be extended to businesses located within the collection areas. To arrange for pick up services, contact the contractors listed on the right. 

New to the RM of Hanover

Did you just move into or build a new home in one of our urban centers (Blumenort, New Bothwell, Mitchell, Kleefeld or Grunthal)?

Click the link to sign up for garbage, recycling and curbside composting (only Mitchell and Blumenort at the moment). Delivery of new bins takes roughly 2-3 business days.

Link: https://form.jotform.com/232914366894266

Bin Size Comparison (Garbage bin = black, Recycling = blue, Composting = green)

Waste & Recycling Changes in Schedule

Pick Up AreaService Being InterruptedOriginal DateDate Change

April 18, 2025Monday, April 21
Kleefeld & area
New Bothwell
July 1, 2025Wednesday, July 2
MitchellJuly 2, 2025Thursday, July 3
Grunthal July 4, 2025Monday, July 7
Kleefeld & area
New Bothwell
September 30, 2025Wednesday, October 1
October 1, 2025Thursday, October 2
October 3, 2025Monday, October 6
Kleefeld & area
New Bothwell
October, 14, 2025Wednesday, October 15
October 15, 2025Thursday, October 16
October 17, 2025Monday, October 20
Kleefeld & area
New Bothwell
November 11, 2025Wednesday, November 12
MitchellNovember 12, 2025Thursday, November 13
GrunthalNovember 14, 2025Monday, November 17
GrunthalDecember 26, 2025Monday, December 29

Printable Waste & Recycling Changes in Schedule

Rural Waste Collection

At this time, RM of Hanover does not extend garbage collection and recycling services to rural areas. 

For residents outside the service areas, several private companies can be hired to collect waste in the RM of Hanover. A list can be found below. Rural residents using these services pay collection and/or tipping fees directly to their contractor. 

Jons Deck Aid & More - 204-371-1632
J&L Paving Stone & Sanitation - 204-434-6692
Pak-Man Disposals - 204-371-1570
Bristal Hauling (bins available) - 204-388-4550

Please contact them directly if you have any questions or require their services.

City of Steinbach Landfill

Located at 105 Hanover Road East

The RM of Hanover Council has negotiated a waste disposal agreement, specific to residential garbage, with the City of Steinbach. There is no cost for disposal of recycling, household hazardous waste (residential quantities only), or compost at the landfill. Tipping fees will apply for all other disposal services (minimum $10) and are paid directly to the landfill. 

Visit City of Steinbach Landfill for more information.

Landfill Hours

Winter Hours (October - March)
Monday - Saturday, 9 am - 5 pm, Closed Sundays and Holidays

Summer Hours (April - October)
Weekdays, 7 am - 8 pm, Saturdays, 8 am - 6 pm, Closed Sundays and Holidays

Household Hazardous Waste Depot

Located at the Steinbach Landfill, open regular landfill hours. 

Please have all fluids secured in a sealed and labelled container. 

  • Disinfectants, bleach, ammonia, abrasive powders, mildew and rust removers
  • Kerosene, lighter fluid
  • Paint, spray paint, lacquers, solvents, turpentine, epoxies, acrylics, wood preservatives, furniture polish/wax
  • Hair dyes, hair sprays, medicine, polish remover
  • All batteries, including vehicle batteries
  • Fluorescent and CFL bulbs
  • Household cleaners
  • Mothballs, rodent poison, insecticides, fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides
  • Automotive waxes, polishes, anti-freeze, gasoline, brake and transmission fluids