Municipal Election

The next general municipal election will be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2022.  

Manitoba municipal elections are held every four years. The general election day for most municipalities is always the fourth Wednesday in October. 

What are the responsibilities of council in a municipal election?

In order to uphold the integrity of the election process, municipal councils are responsible only for certain key election decisions. These decisions include:

  • deciding if the election will be at-large or based on wards;*
  • agreeing to conduct an election, or any part of an election, with another local authority;
  • appointing the Senior Election Official;
  • budgeting for election expenses and deciding remuneration for election officials;
  • establishing a by-law restricting the use of municipal resources by candidates during an election; * and
  • deciding whether to authorizing the use of vote-counting machines. *

*by-laws for these purposes must be passed at least 180 days before the election to take effect

More frequently asked questions/answer can be found here: