What is a Local Urban District (LUD)?
LUDs are an unincorporated Urban Area with a population of at least 250 residents. Each LUD has a committee comprised of three elected community members, elected at the same time as the new municipal council, along with the Local Councillor.
From the Municipal Act: 117(1) The committee of a local urban district is responsible for:
(a) preparing and adopting a service plan for the local urban district;
(b) submitting the service plan to the council before it adopts its operating and capital budgets; and
(c) the exercise of those powers delegated to it by the council of the municipality.
The LUD is serviced by the Hanover administration as per the Service Plan established by the committee. A Service Plan details the type, level and cost of municipal services to be provided by the administration. The Service Plan is funded through a levy against all properties within the LUD boundary.*
For more information regarding LUDs, see frequently asked questions below.
RM of Hanover Local Urban Districts
The RM of Hanover currently has five (5) Local Urban Districts: LUD of Mitchell, LUD of Blumenort, LUD of Grunthal, LUD of Kleefeld and LUD of New Bothwell.
Local Urban District (LUD) | LUD Annual Service Plans | Members | Meeting Dates | Meeting Agendas/Minutes |
Blumenort | 2025 Blumenort Service Plan | Roberto Hiebert (Councillor) | First Wednesday of each month at 8:00 am | View Meeting Information |
Grunthal | 2025 Grunthal Service Plan | Curtis Dawyduik - Councillor | First Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm | View Meeting Information |
Mitchell | 2025 Mitchell Service Plan | Brian Esau - Councillor | First Tuesday of each month at 9:30 am | View Meeting Information |
Kleefeld | 2025 Kleefeld Service Plan | Darrin Warkentin - Councillor Dawn Oude Voshaar(Chair) Travis Fehr Randy Peters | First Tuesday of each month at 11:00 am | View Meeting Information |
New Bothwell | 2025 New Bothwell Service Plan | Travis Doerksen - Councillor Ernest Kehler (Chair) Irma Friesen Rob Hiebert | First Tuesday of each month at 8:00 am | View Meeting Information |
How does an LUD affect my taxes? / How does an LUD benefit my community?
Generally, the LUD mill rate is lower than the rural mill rate that ratepayers are currently paying.
The biggest benefit for the community is the assurance that the transportation taxes raised within the community, will stay in the community, and be overseen by a locally elected committee.
How are LUD committee members chosen?
Each LUD has a committee comprised of three elected community members, elected at the same time as the new municipal council, along with the Local Councillor. Election qualifications of LUD committee members are similar to a council member.
What is the process to form an LUD?
- To commence the process, a petition to council by the majority of the electors in the locale must be submitted to the CAO.
- The CAO will table the petition presentation and meeting between the proposed LUD and council. Then once council agrees to the proposal, a resolution is passed and council sends the request to the Minister.
- Minister then refers the file to the Lieutenant Governor in Council to initiate the drafting of the regulation to form the LUD.*
Boundary Adjustment Process
- Boundaries recommendation from the proposed LUD forwarded to council.
- Council to review and will negotiate with the LUD.
- Boundaries should accommodate changes in Land Use including new proposed developments.*
What are LUD Responsibilities?
While the RM of Hanover is the local authority responsible for overall operation of the municipality, LUDs have been delegated certain duties:
- Road Maintenance (including repairs, snow removal, street cleaning)
- Drainage and Ditch Maintenance
- Street Signage and Street Lighting
- Sidewalk and Boulevard Maintenance (including mowing)
- Composting and Solid Waste issue not provided by RM program
- Weed Control
- Public Space Management (not recreation)
- Annual Capital Plan for Road Improvement/Replacement
- LUD sets service levels and proposes an annual mill rate for the community
- LUD is not responsible for planning issues (zoning conditional use variances etc.)
- The RM Council and Administration works closely with the LUD Committee on all areas that impact residents