On any given year, the municipality receives many drainage requests from landowners. The municipality prioritizes its projects for the annual drainage plan.
For all drainage projects located within the Local Urban District contact Your Local Urban District (LUD) community members.
For all drainage projects located outside of the urban areas, please fill out a Drainage Request Form and send to the email listed on the form.
If you have questions regarding drainage outside of the urban areas, contact:
Wes Fehr, Manager of Works and Operations
204-346-7137, wes.fehr@hanovermb.ca
Small Drainage Projects - Landowner "Two-Tiered" Option
The RM of Hanover prioritizes all drainage request and projects. Smaller projects with less benefit to the overall municipal drainage system are often left on the drainage list request for many years. They may be funded by the Ward Councilor through his/her discretionary Transportation Budget as one of his/her projects, or eventually dropped from the list.
The municipality is offering an alternative to landowners wanting these minor drainage projects to be completed in a timely manner. A "Two-Tiered Drainage Policy" has been created to assist.